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Need to Surrender a Bunny?

We get calls and emails every single day from people who have either found a bunny in their neighborhood or who own a rabbit and need to surrender it.


Unfortunately we do not have the space, staff or financial resources to take in every single unwanted bunny. Our mission at BunnyLuv is to take in those bunnies red-listed at city shelters. That means rabbits who are on the list to be euthanized first are typically given priority when space becomes available at our shelter.


At this time, we are beyond capacity and will NOT be taking in rabbits.


What to do? You can contact other no-kill shelters in your area. You may have better luck contacting friends, family, co-workers, members in your social group (such as your church) to see if anyone would be interested. As a last resort you may have to consider surrendering the bunny to your nearest local city shelter. The bunny will have a chance at finding a new loving family.


Things NOT to do:


  • Do NOT release the bunny in the wild. Domestic rabbits have no survival skills. They usually die from starvation, thirst, heat, cars and predators. Frequently, they will die within hours of release.  

  • Do NOT post on Craigslist. People looking for a cheap/free meal for their snakes will frequently check out Craigslist. Also people known to abuse and torture animals will look for easy targets as well. If you must advertise your bunny, never say "Free to a Good Home". Animal abusers will look for that as well. Always charge a fee.

  • Do NOT dump your bunny at our shelter, your neighbor's front door, pet store, etc. This is illegal in most cities and you will be prosecuted.

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